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Daypaw | Apprentice and Adoptive Son | "I love him,He is well,My son in a way. He is a true warrior at heart. Love the kiddo,he is a joy to be around and brightens my mood."

Larkfire | Enforcer & Acquaintance | "I don't hate her....Yet we don't really talk. The only reason we know each other because of Daypaw. She earned her warrior name,i'm proud though"

Dawnstar | Leader and Acquaintance | “She has almost but never quite managed to make me not either disgusted yet surprised. The way she thinks is cold and calculating,Its impressive to say the least. I will be having Daypaw,Willowkit,Nectarkit and Woodkit avoid her at all costs though,My children don’t need to see how ruthless and unpredictable she is.”

Dappeledleaf | Queen and Mutual | "A solid queen of shadowclan,although she has been slacking in the role of Daypaws mother as of recent."

Ebonysky | Warrior and Little Sister | "My sister was complex...She is still a murderer though. I still loved her but now that's all into question"

Mirehound | Warrior and Mutual | "She seems desperate for power in a way. It's not my problem..for now. They are just like everyone else,cold-blooded murderers.

Softbear | Former Warrior and Mother | "I loved her,Her choice in mates were not the best. But she made sure I didn't die as so a kit so she did her job as  mother. I'm sure she would be proud of me and her grandchildren."

Bluetree | Former Thunderclan Warrior and Enemy | "Got what he had coming. I regret nothing towards the thunderclan scum.

Swallowscreech | Former warrior and Stepfather | Disgusting man,He was abusive towards my mother. If I got the chance to kill him ,I would."

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