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Frostscreech. A man,The myth,The guy who tried and kinda succeeded at making an enforcer step down.


This guy is a whole lot. I don't regret this mess though. This is going to be a breakdown of him as a character,This includes: His morals,His ideas on a proper clan cat and how they should act,How high position ranks should be handle (Larkpaws case mainly)


Frostscreech is based on part of my own thoughts of WCO,Mainly how cats in high ranking positions should be handled and that was completely my intent with his debut. Get a cat that was not serving her clan out of the position of power she held as an “elite”. That is what he did and did not do. Jupiter had her own reasons for having Bracken step down,I did not have a say in that.


Frost is complicated,Even for me. He isn’t just this cat who doesn’t care about people. He does care,He just doesn't show it well. I want Frostscreech to be this open kind of guy,Yet He writes himself sometimes,Which Is fine. It takes work for something to have a character turn into something they were the opposite at the beginning.


Onto relationships, His relationships are built on trust. Completely built on trust,given your cat gives it back. Let's take Daypaw and Frostscreech’s relationship as Mentor and Apprentice. Frostscreech has given trust in Daypaw not because he has proven he can show up for things like patrols and training,But because it's earned. Frostscreech needs Daypaw to prove he can be trusted to show up for patrols and training,If not Frostscreech will start to force Daypaw to show up and basically babysit him. His system is best summed up by Pheasant “Like once frost puts trust in you it’s worth it and he expects it to be something you can return” 


His moral code is extremely difficult for me to even say as I have yet to truly develop it,In the future although it will basically be this. If the cat is unable to defend themself,He will not attack them This is flipped completely upside down if the cat can defend themself,He will jump into attack at the notice of an actual challenge,If you touch someone he likes,Consider yourself dead. He may forget yet he will never forgive. This is best going to be seen with Darkpaw and Larkpaw,Frost has a small part on Lark's side of that. I do hope that will be a true turning point of their relationship. 


Onto the high positions. It is VERY public that Frost clearly finds the fact that a child can get an Enforcer rank. He doesn’t hate the rank- Just the fact that it was given to a child that was only made an apprentice 2 moons ago. He feels that they should be earned,There should be an age and rank requirement for that sorta thing hehe. 

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